
Aim of the walkthrough

The following pages will provide a walk-through for running the Base Case EOM:RCC model, including an explanation of the:

  • Input data
  • Code in Model_Structure.R
  • Output report
Bonus information

These drop-down boxes appear throughout the walkthrough, and contain additional code to help walk you through what is happening (for example, explaining a function or section of code).


In order to run the code from Model_Structure.R within this documentation, minor adjustments have been made such as to:

  • Amend file paths
  • Include additional pre-run results, enabling:
    • Quicker run times
    • The code to be split across multiple pages

Hence, it is advised that you use the original R script when running the model for yourself, rather than these .qmd files.

Full list of adjustments
  • Changed the path to the folders - e.g. “./3_Functions” to “../../../3_Functions”.
    • Instead of amending this in each string, I created path_ variables to store the path to the folder, and then imported individual files using file.path() to combine the folder path with the file name.
    • These folder paths are all set-up in a code chunk paths after we load the required packages.
  • Set f_excel_extract() from verbose = TRUE to verbose = FALSE, as it otherwise repeatedly prints “Extracting named range X from ../../1_Data/ID6184_RCC_model inputs FAD version [UK RWE unredacted, ACIC redacted, cPAS redacted].xlsm” where X is the name of each parameter
  • Add library(knitr) so can use kable()
  • Prevent f_pf_computePF() from running, and instead load some pre-run results
  • Don’t need to keep saving copies of the data/report since running with the same dataset each time so:
    • Prevented from saving an .rds file with the results (3.6.4)
    • Still set Run_Date to current date despite using old pre-run
    • Set autosave to FALSE in f_res_ProduceWordDoc() as don’t need to keep saving copies of the report since running with the same data each time