List of articles and reports

As referred to in the description of the NICE appraisals, there are several articles and reports that have been published in relation to this model. Several of these are listed below.

Web pages

The pathways pilot is mentioned as part of NICE’s webpage on taking a proportion approach to technology appraisals. [1] There are also then webpages available for each of the appraisals: the pathways pilot [2] and the appraisal of cabozatinib with nivolumab [3]


The above web pages link to relevant NICE reports, and these include….

  • Final analysis plan for the model available as a PDF [4]
  • Renal cell carcinoma pathway model report, which is “a summary of the external assessment group’s model and assumptions on renal cell carcinoma, discussed by NICE’s technology appraisal committee B”. Available as a PDF or within their website [5]
  • NICE’s technology appraisal guidance on cabozatinib with nivolumab for untreated advanced renal cell carcinoma. Avaliable as a PDF or within their website [3]

And others from the appraisal history like:

  • Assessment report plain english summary - PDF
  • Assessment report final analysis plan - this appears the same as that from the alternative link above - PDF
  • Assessment report - PDF


There has been one related publication: the article NICE’s Pathways Pilot: Pursuing Good Decision Making in Difficult Circumstances [6], with a later correction published. [7] These are licensed under a CC-BY-NC-4.0 license, which enables us to share them below.

Article [6]:

Correction [7]:


National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Taking a proportionate approach to technology appraisals n.d.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Renal cell carcinoma Pathways Pilot [ID6186]. In development [GID-TA11186] n.d.
Lee D, Muthukumar M, Robinson S, Lovell A, Coelho H, Matthews J, et al. Treatments for renal cell carcinoma [ID6186]. Final Analysis Plan. 2023.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Renal cell carcinoma pathway model report. Economic analysis. 2024.
Lee D, Burns D, Wilson E. NICE’s Pathways Pilot: Pursuing Good Decision Making in Difficult Circumstances. PharmacoEconomics - Open 2024.
Lee D, Burns D, Wilson E. Correction: NICE’s Pathways Pilot: Pursuing Good Decision Making in Difficult Circumstances. PharmacoEconomics - Open 2024.