
Acronym Meaning
1L First line
2L Second line
3L Third line
4L Fourth line
Abs Absolute
ACIC Academic and commercial in confidence
ADaM Analysis Data Model
AE Adverse event
ASCO American Society Of Clinical Oncology
aRCC Advanced renal cell carcinoma
AUC Area under the curve
BSC Best supportive care
cabo cabozantinib
CIC Commercial in confidence
CDF Cancer Drugs Fund
CE Cost effectiveness
CEA Cost effectiveness analysis
CODA Convergence diagnosis and output analysis
cPAS Confident patient access scheme
DSU Decision support unit
EAG External assessment group
EOL End of life
EOM-RCC Exeter Oncology Model: Renal Cell Carcinoma edition
ERG Evidence Review Group
evero Everolimus
FAD Final appraisal document
fav Favourable
FP Fractional polynomial
FP NMA Fractional polynomial network meta-analysis
Gen general
HFS Hand-foot syndrome
HPC High-performance computing
HR Hazard ratio
HRQL Health-related quality of life
HTA Health technology assessment
ICER Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
int Intermediate
IMDC International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium
IO Immuno-oncology
IPD Individual patient data
ipi Ipilimumab
IV Intravenous
KM Kaplan-Meier
lenv Lenvatinib
LY Life year(s)
LYG Life year(s) gained
MRC Medical Research Council
MRU Medical Resource Use
MTA Multiple technology appraisal
NHS National Health Service
NHSE National Health ServiceEngland
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NIHR National Institute for Health and Care Research
nivo Nivolumab
NMA Network meta-analysis
ONS Office for National Statistics
OS Overall survival
PartSA Partitioned-survival analysis
PAS Patient access scheme
PATT Proportionate approach to technology appraisals
pazo pazopanib
PD Progressed disease
pem Pembrolizumab
PenTAG Peninsula Technology Assessment Group
PFS Progression-free survival
PH Proportional hazards
PH NMA Proportional hazards network meta-analysis
PLD Patient-level data
PLMT Population + Line + Molecule + Trial
PLMTE Population + Line + Molecule + Trial + Endpoint
pop Population
PPS Post-progression survival
prop Proportional
PSA Probablistic sensitivity analysis
PSM Progressed state membership
QALY Quality-adjusted life year(s)
QC Quality check
RCC Renal cell carcinoma
RDI Relative dosing intensity
RE Relative efficacy
ROC Renal Oncology Collaborative
RWE Real-world evidence
SF Shortfall
SOC Standard of care
st Survival at time t
STA Single technology appraisal
suni Sunitinib
TA Technology appraisal
tivo Tivozanib
TKI Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor
TP matrices Treatment pathway matrices
TSD Technical Support Document
TTD Time to discontinuation
TOT Time on treatment
TTNT Time to next treatment
TTP Time to progression
TuotA Time unit of the analysis
UK United Kingdom
VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor
vs Versus
WTP Willingness to pay