
This page shares an example of the output report produced by this model and walks through each section.

View full report

The model produces a .docx report, which has been converted to a PDF and displayed below.

Walkthrough of report sections

TODO: Walk through and explain each section

Table 1

Table 1: Base-case results (ordered in increasing costs)

Table 1: Base-case results (ordered in increasing costs)

Table 2

Table 2: Application of the severity modifier to the base case

Table 2: Application of the severity modifier to the base case

Table 3 to 5

These tables present the life years (LY) gained by health state. They compare two treatment strategies marked X and Y.

Table 3 compares Cabozantinib plus nivolumab against Pazopanib for the all risk group.

Table 4 is for the favourable risk group and also compares against Pazopanib, whilst Table 5 is for the intermediate/poor risk group and the comparator is Lenvatinib plus pembrolizumab.

Table 3: Summary of LY gain by health state (all risk, cabo+nivo vs next best non- dominated comparator: Pazopanib)

Table 3: Summary of LY gain by health state (all risk, cabo+nivo vs next best non- dominated comparator: Pazopanib)

Tables 6 to 8

Table 6: Summary of QALY gain by health state (all risk, cabo+nivo vs next best non-dominated comparator: Pazopanib)

Table 6: Summary of QALY gain by health state (all risk, cabo+nivo vs next best non-dominated comparator: Pazopanib)

Table 9

Table 9: Summary of costs by health state

Table 9: Summary of costs by health state

Tables 10 to 12

Table 10 : Summary of predicted resource use by category of cost (all risk, cabo+nivo vs next best non-dominated comparator: Pazopanib)

Table 10 : Summary of predicted resource use by category of cost (all risk, cabo+nivo vs next best non-dominated comparator: Pazopanib)

Figures 1 to 15

Figure 1: Markov trace: All risk, Cabozantinib plus nivolumab. Abbreviations: L1, 1st line; L2, 2nd line; L3, 3rd line; L4, 4th line; L5, 5th line.

Figure 1: Markov trace: All risk, Cabozantinib plus nivolumab. Abbreviations: L1, 1st line; L2, 2nd line; L3, 3rd line; L4, 4th line; L5, 5th line.

Figures 16 to 18

Figure 16: Cost-effectiveness acceptability frontier – all risk

Figure 16: Cost-effectiveness acceptability frontier – all risk

Tables 13 to 15

Table 13: Scenario analysis - all risk

Table 13: Scenario analysis - all risk

Table 16

Table 16: Scenario analysis pairwise comparison table

Table 16: Scenario analysis pairwise comparison table

Viewing the report

The output report will be in .docx format, so this is best viewed within Microsoft Word. If viewed in LibreOffice, you may find the tables are misformatted (going outside the page margins so not visible). If viewed in Google Docs, you may find the figures are not visible/fail to correctly load.