Day 8


Amy Heather


July 1, 2024


Reflections, summary report and research compendium.


Created reflections page with full list of troubleshooting steps, and a summarised list of barriers and facilitators to the reproduction, to learn from.

Summary report

Finished up summary report.

Research compendium

Making changes to the repository (as specified in the protocol) so it can serve as a “research compendium”.

  • Moved all python files into a scripts/ folder. Amended paths in these scripts, e.g. the location of outputs/ to ../outputs for when importing or saving results.
  • Add seed so we get consistent results between runs
    • By default, Salabim sets random seed 1234567, but the study authors had set sim.Environment(trace=False, random_seed='', time_unit='minutes'), which we know from the documentation means no reseeding.
    • As we want to enable reproducible results between runs (for writing up the results obtained, and for testing), modified to set seed to 42 in environment.
    • I ran one of the notebooks twice and observed no change in the results between those runs, confirming this had been set up easily and successfully.
    • Note: Set suggestion to implement seeds during reproduction stage in the protocol, although this is focused on being able to compare your results to the original, and needing a seed if it varies too much to do so. In this case, since the number of replications was sufficient to observe minimal variation, I did not implement at that stage, and instead add them now.
    • However, then realised I had forgot to change the seed between replications, and so was just getting the sample result for every replication. As such, modified seed so it increments with each replication (as replications are run in using a for loop). Re-ran notebook twice and confirmed there was no change.
  • Changed Table 6 to run to 10 replications, alike the other outcomes, as this is simpler for reproduction and as we know that there are relatively minimal differences between 10 and 100 replications (as you can see from commit 59f6ada).
  • Run notebooks using single command
    • Tried running nbconvert from command line or Makefile, but fails to use environment, returning ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'salabim'
    • Tried downgrading nbconvert but issue persists
    • Tried setting jupyter interpreter in VSCode settings, and that said I needed to install package notebook
    • Then, realised I needed to add it as a kernel for jupyter (so it would appear when run jupyter kernelspec list). Did so by running source activate shoaib2022, python -m ipykernel install --user --name shoaib2022, then source deactivate
    • Set this up in a bash script (to add the kernel each time (otherwise it can’t seem to find it, despite being in the kernelspec list), and to then execute the notebooks using nbconvert)
  • Tidy up notebooks
    • Add the result being reproduced to the start of each notebook, so it is easier to reference to it
    • Re-ran all using the bash script, to ensure all have been run with the seeds
  • Create tests
    • Initially explored exporting each dict_list from the reproduction notebooks using pickle (with open('saved_dictionary.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dictionary, f)). However, decided this was then contrary to the principles of testing, where want to be defining each parameter used in the test, so instead set this up manually for each configuration.
    • Add pytest to environment
    • Copied .xls results from reproduction/outputs to tests/exp_results