Day 4


Amy Heather


June 25, 2024


Table 6 100 rep, and created Figure 2A-D + 3A-D. Total time used: 16h 52m (42.2%)

6.55-6.57: Run 100 replications for Table 6

Start running with 100 replications. Taking too long (ran through 259 replications in 110 minutes), so only got through 2 full configurations before needing to shut it down to go to work.

9.26-9.50, 10.50-10.51: Used parallel processing when running the replications

Set up parallel processing in reproduce_tab6.ipynb to run the 4 sets of 100 replications. It took 61 minutes to run (excluded from timing). Once complete, I looked over the table and was satisified that the mean and SD values were close enough to the original, and considered it now completely successfully reproduced (at timestamp: 10.51). I disregarded some high percent change that were simply due to comparison of numbers very close to zero, and the difference was actually very small.

Emailed to Tom and Alison to share second opinion.

Timing for when Table 6 is completed (i.e. as of 10.51):

import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 829

# Times from today
times = [
    ('6.55', '6.57'),
    ('9.26', '9.50'),
    ('10.50', '10.51')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 27m, or 0h 27m
Total used to date: 856m, or 14h 16m
Time remaining: 1544m, or 25h 44m
Used 35.7% of 40 hours max

11.04-11.17: Saved output from processed replications, and confirmation from Tom and Alison

Edited notebook so model is not re-run each time (due to long run time), and then saved the processed results to a csv file.

Both Tom and Alison responded to confirm they were happy this was reproduced.

Re-ran % change calculations with rounded values. As before, observe that we are sometimes comparing very small numbers - so e.g. mean of 0.011 v.s. 0.012 comes out as 9% change. It also sometimes finds large differences for small SD values (e.g. 1360% change), when actually, I’m not too concerned by the difference in the grand scheme of things.

11.30-11.50: Create Figure 2B

Imported and processed data from the arrival number replications, and produced Figure 2B. Happy that this is succesfully reproduced at timepoint 11.50. In order to declare this reproduced, I feel I do not require to run the same number of replications (100), as understand this would have no meaningful impact on result being plot (mean), and am happy with consistency to original at 10 replications.

# Minutes used prior to this figure
used_to_date = 856

# Times from today
times = [
    ('11.04', '11.17'),
    ('11.30', '11.50')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 33m, or 0h 33m
Total used to date: 889m, or 14h 49m
Time remaining: 1511m, or 25h 11m
Used 37.0% of 40 hours max

11.51-12.08, 12.13-12.17: Create Figure 2C

Using OPD Q wt (which matched up to OPD queue waiting time for Table 6), results look rather different. They only go up to 0.01, whilst in Figure 2C, results go from under 1 up to just under 7. That is closer to the waiting time in the benchmark model, implying these results are obtained with those doctor numbers.

Incorrect reproduction of Fig2c

When run with the serv5 appointment times, the results match up with the paper. Feel this has been succesfully reproduced at time 12.17.

Successful reproduction of Fig2c

Observation: Reproduced figure, but not from how I understood it had been set up from the text (unless that was my misunderstanding - which is quite possible!).

# Minutes used prior to this figure
used_to_date = 889

# Times from today
times = [
    ('11.51', '12.08'),
    ('12.13', '12.17')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 21m, or 0h 21m
Total used to date: 910m, or 15h 10m
Time remaining: 1490m, or 24h 50m
Used 37.9% of 40 hours max

Emailed to Tom and Alison - and both agreed that Fig2B and 2C are succesfully reproduced.

Reflections from Tom from these reproductions

Including code to (re)generate figures

Including tick marks on axes so that people can easily read across or judge whether a bar goes above a Y value or not

13.20-13.26: Add grid lines to figures

Add horizontal grid lines to Figures 2B and 2C, to improve readability.

13.29-13.44, 13.47-14.04, 14.13-14.19, 14.24-14.41: Working on Figure 2A

The text and figures do not provide the boundary used when sampling the consultation time. From previous implementations we know:

  • Mean 0.87 uses boundaries 0.3/0.5
  • Mean 5 uses boundary 2

However, we do not know for mean 2.5. We might reasonably estimate that it would be around 1, but this is a guess and not substantiated by evidence.

Ran all nine combinations set up with parallel processing but only 10 replications, run time 3m 22s.

Created Figure 2A, and - despite guessing for the 2.5 (0.5) boundaries - I feel the bar heights are sufficiently similar to mark this as successfully reproduced at 14.41.

# Minutes used prior to this figure
used_to_date = 910

# Times from today
times = [
    ('13.20', '13.26'),
    ('13.29', '13.44'),
    ('13.47', '14.04'),
    ('14.13', '14.19'),
    ('14.24', '14.41')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 61m, or 1h 1m
Total used to date: 971m, or 16h 11m
Time remaining: 1429m, or 23h 49m
Used 40.5% of 40 hours max

14.44-14.54: Creating Figure 2D

Produced Figure 2D using same data and similar code to Figure 2A.

Again, feel sufficiently similar to mark as successfully reproduced at 14.54.

# Minutes used prior to this figure
used_to_date = 971

# Times from today
times = [
    ('14.44', '14.54')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 10m, or 0h 10m
Total used to date: 981m, or 16h 21m
Time remaining: 1419m, or 23h 39m
Used 40.9% of 40 hours max

15.10-15.21, 15.24-15.34: Creating Figure 3A

Based scenarios on the labels for Figure 3. These were varying:

  • Number of inpatient/childbirth/ANC cases per day:
    • 1 = IAT 1440 (e.g. like IPD cases for config1)
    • 2 = IAT 720 (as 2880 is 0.5 per day and 1440 is 1 per day)
  • Average service time for outpatients:
    • 0.87 (0.21) (same as config1)
    • 2.5 (0.5) (as in figure 2)

Set up and ran 10 replications with parallel processing. Took 3 minutes.

Adapted code created for Figure 2A/D to make Figure 3A. Successfully reproduced at 15.34.

# Minutes used prior to this figure
used_to_date = 981

# Times from today
times = [
    ('15.10', '15.21'),
    ('15.24', '15.34')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 21m, or 0h 21m
Total used to date: 1002m, or 16h 42m
Time remaining: 1398m, or 23h 18m
Used 41.8% of 40 hours max

15.45-15.51: Creating Figure 3B

Successfully reproduced at 15.51.

# Minutes used prior to this figure
used_to_date = 1002

# Times from today
times = [
    ('15.45', '15.51')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 6m, or 0h 6m
Total used to date: 1008m, or 16h 48m
Time remaining: 1392m, or 23h 12m
Used 42.0% of 40 hours max

15.53-15.54: Creating Figure 3C

Successfully reproduced at 15.54.

# Minutes used prior to this figure
used_to_date = 1008

# Times from today
times = [
    ('15.53', '15.54')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 1m, or 0h 1m
Total used to date: 1009m, or 16h 49m
Time remaining: 1391m, or 23h 11m
Used 42.0% of 40 hours max

15.55-15.58: Creating Figure 3D

Successfully reproduced at 15.58.

# Minutes used prior to this figure
used_to_date = 1009

# Times from today
times = [
    ('15.55', '15.58')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 3m, or 0h 3m
Total used to date: 1012m, or 16h 52m
Time remaining: 1388m, or 23h 8m
Used 42.2% of 40 hours max


Emailed to Tom and Alison, and both replied to confirm that 2A+D and 3A-D all look successfully reproduced.


# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 829

# Times from today
times = [
    ('6.55', '6.57'),
    ('9.26', '9.50'),
    ('10.50', '10.51'),
    ('11.04', '11.17'),
    ('11.30', '11.50'),
    ('11.51', '12.08'),
    ('12.13', '12.17'),
    ('13.20', '13.26'),
    ('13.29', '13.44'),
    ('13.47', '14.04'),
    ('14.13', '14.19'),
    ('14.24', '14.41'),
    ('14.44', '14.54'),
    ('15.10', '15.21'),
    ('15.24', '15.34'),
    ('15.45', '15.51'),
    ('15.53', '15.54'),
    ('15.55', '15.58')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 183m, or 3h 3m
Total used to date: 1012m, or 16h 52m
Time remaining: 1388m, or 23h 8m
Used 42.2% of 40 hours max