Day 5


Amy Heather


June 4, 2024


Evaluated study against guidelines (badges, sharing artefacts, and starting on STRESS-DES reporting).

Work log


Evaluating artefacts as in and


  • execute: “Scripts can be successfully executed” (and then regenerated: “Independent party regenerated results using the authors research artefacts”)
    • Required some minor changes to environment in order for scripts to run
    • However, not certain whether the badges would allow minor troubleshooting (or major troubleshooting) in order for a script to run?
    • By my criteria (allowing troubleshooting) this would be fine. The step up from this criteria is reproduction (which I again allow troubleshooting) - so it would make sense that this is getting it to run, whilst next step is getting sufficiently similar results. May just need to add a caveat that this is with troubleshooting allowed (which may not be journal policy) - in same way that caveat, this is my interpretation of badges from available information and cannot guarantee would or would not be awarded.
    • Chat with Tom: Fine to just caveat.
  • hour: Reproduced within approximately one hour (excluding compute time)
    • Took longer than an hour, but I wasn’t trying to get it done in that time
    • If I hadn’t spent time reading and documenting and fiddling with the seeds, then I anticipate I could’ve run it within an hour
    • However, I’m assuming to follow our process and fail it (for consistency with how we are working and timing)
    • Chat with Tom: Fine to just caveat.
  • documentation_readme: “Artefacts are clearly documented and accompanied by a README file with step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce results in the manuscript”
    • I wouldn’t say it explicitly meets this criteria
    • Although it was simple enough that it could do it anyway - directed me to notebook, run that, job done.
    • Uncertain on this one
    • Uncertainty is fine - just make a choice, and justify and document that choice in the logbook

Sharing research artefacts

Evaluated again, this time against recommendations for sharing of research artefacts (STARS, and Monks and Harper best practice audit).


  • README: “Does the readme file or similar describe the steps required to execute the simulation model?”
    • For this, is it sufficient that README is provided which explains environment and links to template that runs model? I’m assuming so.
    • However, this decision differs from documentation_readme above, although that requires “clear” documentation
  • Do they meet criteria is changes are made to a repository after publications? (this is general, not specific to this test-run)
    • Example: If we asked them to add a licence - do we then fail them on that? I’m presuming so?
    • Chat with Tom: Agree that it should be based on stuff prior to publication.

Evaluation against reporting guidelines (STRESS-DES pt. 1)

These were evaluated based ONLY on the journal article and supplementary materials (and not on the linked code repository).

Started work on evaluating against STRESS-DES.

Including checklist

Tom mentioned how this study they provided the filled out STRESS checklist to the journal, but it wasn’t published alongside the article, but that would have been beneficial. This is a good suggestion to think about.

Also, it has proven quite time consuming to evaluate against the checklist - hence, moreso reason to include it with the article, to make it easier for readers to spot these things.

Suggested changes for protocol/template

✅ = Made the change.

💬 = Noted to discuss with team.


  • ✅ Suggest that uncertainties on whether a badge criteria is met or not could be discussed within the STARS team. Suggest to detail those uncertainties within logbook
  • ✅ If there are multiple code locations (e.g. code repository and archive), then refer to both when assessing against criteria
  • ✅ Recommended sources for evaluation (e.g. reporting guidelines is based on article, badges and sharing of research artefacts are based on code)
  • 💬 Given how long it is taking, would it be relevant to time these steps?