Reproduction success

Of the three items in the scope, 100% (3 out of 3) were considered to be successfully reproduced.

In each case, it was felt that there were minimal variation between the original figures and reproduction, and that any variation was likely due to randomness of the simulation (as the original simulation was not controlled using seeds).

Figure 2

Original figure (Allen et al. (2020)):


Figure 3

Original figure (Allen et al. (2020)):


Figure 4

Original figure (Allen et al. (2020)):



Allen, Michael, Amir Bhanji, Jonas Willemsen, Steven Dudfield, Stuart Logan, and Thomas Monks. 2020. “A Simulation Modelling Toolkit for Organising Outpatient Dialysis Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” PLOS ONE 15 (8): e0237628.