Day 7


Amy Heather


August 12, 2024


Working on research compendium stage (which inc. troubleshooting some issues with running the model which arose while working on tests).

Untimed: Summary report

Add required troubleshooting steps to summary report

Untimed: Research compendium

Initial steps

Have seperate folders for data, methods and outputs - have decided there is no need to reorganise - although it is not exactly those three folder names, it does have those different files seperated out

README - filled out the README for the reproduction/ folder (currently partially complete)

Tests - due to the high run time of these scenarios, I created a very minimal test example. This used 65 yo scenario 0 but with 1e3 people (instead of 1e6), and so the test runs in only 5 seconds. This serves as a basic indicator of whether someone’s model is running and producing results as expected on a new machine, but is in no way comprehensive.

Dockerfile - based on my file from Huang et al. 2019. I create and launched a container by running: * sudo docker build --tag kim2021 . -f ./reproduction/docker/Dockerfile * (sleep 2 && xdg-open http://localhost:8888) & sudo docker run -it -p 8888:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true --name kim2021_docker kim2021

Troubleshooting tests

I then ran the test (testthat::test_dir("tests/testthat")) in the docker container. However, it returned an error:

Error in `1:v0$numberOfPersons`: argument of length 0
 1. └─global Eventsandcosts(scen0.invite) at test-model.R:50:3
 2.   ├─base::unlist(...) at functions/DES_Model.R:1684:5
 3.   └─base::sapply(...) at functions/DES_Model.R:1684:5
 4.     └─base::lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)

I tried changing the number of people (1e4), and then the seed (3210 to 999), but the issue persisted within the docker container.

Looking at the variable v0, on the container it becomes:

generateCensoringTime = 
function() { 30.000001 }
<bytecode: 0x59655b5310c8>

However, when running tests on my machine, its value is:

generateCensoringTime = 
function() { 30.000001 }
<bytecode: 0x652354295330>
treatmentGroups = screening 
returnEventHistories = TRUE 
returnAllPersonsQuantities = FALSE 
method = serial 
numberOfPersons = 1000 
randomSeed = 3210 

I tried clearing the environment on my machine and re-running the test, and it returned the same issue - and so it seems the issue is unrelated to docker, but instead was unnoticed prior as I hadn’t cleared my environment.

Printing v0 during the test, I can see it is set up correctly. I add the original print statements from the scenario script and then found I got a different error:

Error in `result$eventHistories[[i]]`: subscript out of bounds
 1. └─global Eventsandcosts(scen0.invite) at test-model.R:58:3
 2.   ├─base::unlist(...) at functions/DES_Model.R:1684:5
 3.   └─base::sapply(...) at functions/DES_Model.R:1684:5
 4.     └─base::lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
 5.       └─FUN(X[[i]], ...)

I checked the code matched the original, and tried tweaking little bits and bobs, but found the error persisted.

I tried adding a print statement for components going into the formula, where the error is occuring, in DES_Model.R -

  • and I discovered that its value was set to 1e6 (when it should now be 1e3). I struggled to identify why this had occurred, but tried changing 1:v0$numberOfPersons to 1:length(result$eventHistories) (as these should just be the same thing). This resolved the issue!

I rebuilt the docker image and launched a container and ran the test, but it failed again, this time with the error -

Error in `x[[jj]][iseq] <- vjj`: replacement has length zero
 1. └─global Eventsandcosts(scen0.invite) at test-model.R:57:3
 2.   ├─base::`[<-`(`*tmp*`, i, "screening.prev", value = `<dbl>`) at functions/DES_Model.R:1695:9
 3.   └─base::`[<`(`*tmp*`, i, "screening.prev", value = `<dbl>`) at functions/DES_Model.R:1695:9

Going to that line in DES_Model.R, I can see that the error is again related to v0$numberOfPersons:


The value for v0$numberOfPersons is correct when printed from the test, but incorrect when running through the Eventsandcosts() function. The issue appears to be that Eventsandcosts() doesn’t accept v0 as an input parameter, and instead uses it like a global parameter - but presumably, within a test, this is leading to issues.

I attempted a wrap around solution, which was to calculate the number of persons from length(result$eventHistories) and use that in place of all v0$numberOfPersons. I cleared my environment and re-ran the test: it appeared to work fine.

I rebuilt docker image and ran test in container - which passed!

To make sure this hadn’t inadvertently affected my normal scenario scripts in anyway, I re-ran surveillance scenario 0, confirming the output .csv had not changed. Of note, the run time on that on my machine (rather than the high spec remote machine) was 21 minutes 59 seconds (whilst on remote it was 4 minutes 28 seconds). The main model output was the same, but the AAA-related death aaorta sizes did change. I’m not sure why one remained the same and one changed. I ran this again on the remote machine this time (Rscript -e "source('models/NAAASP_COVID_modelling/run_aaamodel_surv_scen0.R')"). And there was no change in the file! Given the motivations of this reproduction and stage we are at, I will not troubleshoot further on this issue.

Final steps

GitHub Container Registry (GHCR): Activated GitHub action to push Docker image to GitHub container registry. Pulled this, open RStudio, and ran test which passed.

Run times: This had largely been completed during reproduction, but I add times for the test, and the time from running surv scen 0 on a different machine (as above).

Quarto site: Finally, I modified the GitHub action. So far, it had set to not build .Rmd files (to avoid errors encountered due to R environment). However, as I would like to include the notebook in the final Quarto site, I then modified the action as I did in Huang et al. to not run with every push, and instead manually updated the site from my local macine using quarto publish. This is a temporary fix, as I have not been able to get a GitHub action working to render this on pushes automatically for me, for R. When doing so, have to remember to delete _freeze/, _site/ and .quarto before running, to ensure it runs everything properly.