Day 6


Amy Heather


August 2, 2024


Finished reproduction (supplementary table 2 and figure). Completed evaluation against guidelines. Started on research compendium. Total reproduction time: 14h 35m (36.5%). Evaluation time: 1h 55m.

09.09-09.43: Resuming supplementary table 2

Combined each scenario with scenario 0, then adapted previous functions to generate the table.

Consider this reproduced at 09.43.

import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 805

# Times from today
times = [
    ('09.09', '09.43')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 34m, or 0h 34m
Total used to date: 839m, or 13h 59m
Time remaining: 1561m, or 26h 1m
Used 35.0% of 40 hours max

10.02-10.38: Supplementary figure 3

Amend prior functions to combine with scenario 0 using a function (as repeated lots, and need again for this figure). Could then use those dataframes in my figure functions.

Consider this reproduced at 10.38.

Reproduction timings

import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 805

# Times from today
times = [
    ('09.09', '09.43'),
    ('10.02', '10.38')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 70m, or 1h 10m
Total used to date: 875m, or 14h 35m
Time remaining: 1525m, or 25h 25m
Used 36.5% of 40 hours max

10.54-10.59: Badges

Evaluated repository as available at this time (so including the few commits since publication).

documentation_sufficient - no as no package versions and as most instructions are within R scripts themselves (e.g. that need to run with source()) (and therefore not met the subsequent careful documentation)

documentation_readme - although it directs to a good example file, it doesn’t include instructions for reproducing results from the article

11.00-11.05, 11.18-11.23, 11.29-11.32: STARS framework

11.33-12.10, 12.55-13.10, 13.15-13.30: STRESS-DES

To discuss (combined with ISPOR-SDM when overlap):

  • 2.1 Base model overview diagram / 3 Is the model structure described? - diagram is in prior study
  • 2.2 Base model logic - described in detail in prior study, only briefly alluded to in this one
  • 2.4 Algorithms - partially described in prior study
  • 2.5.2 Components - activities - provided moreso in prior study
  • 2.5.3 Components - resources - not clear in either study, unlesss there are none?
  • 2.5.4 Components - queues - not clear in either study, unless there are none?
  • 4.1 Initialisation - indicates its non-terminating in prior study
  • 5.3 Model execution - prior study mentions that you can run in parallel
  • 5.4 System specification - prior study mentions HPC

13.48-14.18: ISPOR-SDM

Evaluation timings

import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 0

# Times from today
times = [
    ('10.54', '10.59'),
    ('11.00', '11.05'),
    ('11.18', '11.23'),
    ('11.29', '11.32'),
    ('11.33', '12.10'),
    ('12.55', '13.10'),
    ('13.15', '13.30'),
    ('13.48', '14.18')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times, limit=False)
Time spent today: 115m, or 1h 55m
Total used to date: 115m, or 1h 55m

Untimed: Summary report

Partially completed summary report (evaluation will need to be updated following second opinion, as there were several items I marked as TBC, as I wasn’t certain whether they met criteria when the information was from a prior study).

Untimed: Reflections

Detailed troubleshooting steps and add reflections.