1. Objectives#

1.1 Purpose of the model#

Primary purpose

The simulation model provides a framework for decision makers to evaluate the impact of alternative working processes on queues and other efficiency criteria in the first treatment health centre.

1.2 Model Outputs#

At the end of a model run the average waiting times and resource utilisation is calculated for each of the following activities.

  • Patient triage

  • Registration

  • Examination

  • Non-trauma patient treatment

  • Trauma patient treatment

The model also calculates total time in system separately for trauma and non-trauma patients. Confidence intervals are generated using multiple replications.

1.3 Experimentation aims#

A simple scenario based analysis. The following experiments are included:

  • Increasing triage capacity by +1

  • Increasing examination capacity by +1

  • Increasing non-trauma capacity by +1

  • Combining additional triage and additional examination capacity