Python package#

Python PyPI version

The model is available to install from the Python Package Index (PyPI). If you wish to use the model in your own code or package this is the simplest way to include it. It can be installed from a terminal or included in an conda environment or Python virtual environment. To install at run time use:

pip install treat-sim

Running multiple replications of the treat-sim model#

To create a custom experiment and run multiple replications of it using the m~odel you need to import the Scenario and multiple_replications functions from the model module. Example code is below

from treat_sim.model import Scenario, multiple_replications

# use all default parameter values
base_case = Scenario()

# run replications (defaults to 5 if parameter ignored.)
results = multiple_replications(base_case, n_reps=5)

# show results (use print() if not using Jupyter notebooks)
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
00_arrivals 5.0 231.80 5.07 227.00 229.00 230.00 233.00 240.00
01a_triage_wait 5.0 30.51 15.39 17.68 24.28 24.80 28.66 57.12
01b_triage_util 5.0 0.61 0.03 0.57 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.64
02a_registration_wait 5.0 106.13 11.72 90.00 103.24 103.61 112.24 121.54
02b_registration_util 5.0 0.86 0.01 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87
03a_examination_wait 5.0 24.84 7.07 14.69 21.37 25.51 31.09 31.56
03b_examination_util 5.0 0.86 0.01 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.88
04a_treatment_wait(non_trauma) 5.0 134.87 27.08 94.02 120.25 150.35 152.48 157.26
04b_treatment_util(non_trauma) 5.0 0.90 0.02 0.87 0.89 0.89 0.91 0.93
05_total_time(non-trauma) 5.0 232.00 14.87 208.36 233.30 233.88 234.76 249.69
06a_trauma_wait 5.0 209.37 63.74 133.81 149.37 236.51 250.71 276.42
06b_trauma_util 5.0 0.90 0.08 0.83 0.86 0.87 0.88 1.03
07a_treatment_wait(trauma) 5.0 11.08 4.89 3.72 9.23 12.25 13.70 16.52
07b_treatment_util(trauma) 5.0 0.50 0.13 0.37 0.42 0.46 0.61 0.66
08_total_time(trauma) 5.0 350.13 63.75 281.06 301.52 346.70 380.83 440.52
09_throughput 5.0 167.00 4.64 161.00 164.00 167.00 171.00 172.00

Custom experiments#

Simply modify the default parameters of the Scenario class if you would like to run different experiments

# an extra non trauma treatment cubicle
extra_cubicle_experiment = Scenario(n_cubicles_1=2)

# experiment results
results_extra_cubicle = multiple_replications(extra_cubicle_experiment, n_reps=5)

# show results of experiment
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
00_arrivals 5.0 231.80 5.07 227.00 229.00 230.00 233.00 240.00
01a_triage_wait 5.0 30.51 15.39 17.68 24.28 24.80 28.66 57.12
01b_triage_util 5.0 0.61 0.03 0.57 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.64
02a_registration_wait 5.0 106.13 11.72 90.00 103.24 103.61 112.24 121.54
02b_registration_util 5.0 0.86 0.01 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87
03a_examination_wait 5.0 24.84 7.07 14.69 21.37 25.51 31.09 31.56
03b_examination_util 5.0 0.86 0.01 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.88
04a_treatment_wait(non_trauma) 5.0 1.93 0.14 1.71 1.92 1.95 1.99 2.08
04b_treatment_util(non_trauma) 5.0 0.64 0.02 0.61 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.68
05_total_time(non-trauma) 5.0 188.56 8.52 177.58 184.76 187.32 192.98 200.16
06a_trauma_wait 5.0 209.37 63.74 133.81 149.37 236.51 250.71 276.42
06b_trauma_util 5.0 0.90 0.08 0.83 0.86 0.87 0.88 1.03
07a_treatment_wait(trauma) 5.0 11.08 4.89 3.72 9.23 12.25 13.70 16.52
07b_treatment_util(trauma) 5.0 0.50 0.13 0.37 0.42 0.46 0.61 0.66
08_total_time(trauma) 5.0 350.13 63.75 281.06 301.52 346.70 380.83 440.52
09_throughput 5.0 199.40 4.67 193.00 198.00 200.00 200.00 206.00

Pre-configured experiments#

The package also includes a selection of pre-configured experiments to run. The following code runs all experiments and display a summary of the results.

from treat_sim.model import (get_scenarios, run_scenario_analysis,
results = run_scenario_analysis(get_scenarios(), DEFAULT_RESULTS_COLLECTION_PERIOD,
Scenario Analysis
No. Scenario: 6
Replications: 50
Running base => 

Running triage+1 => 

Running exam+1 => 

Running treat+1 => 

Running swap_exam_treat => 

Running short_exam => 

Scenario analysis complete.
base triage+1 exam+1 treat+1 swap_exam_treat short_exam
00_arrivals 227.720000 227.720000 227.720000 227.720000 227.720000 227.720000
01a_triage_wait 35.243019 1.325176 35.243019 35.243019 1.325176 1.325176
01b_triage_util 0.607039 0.303519 0.607039 0.607039 0.303519 0.303519
02a_registration_wait 105.572644 135.915119 105.572644 105.572644 135.915119 135.915119
02b_registration_util 0.840613 0.843954 0.840613 0.840613 0.843954 0.843954
03a_examination_wait 25.552525 26.688866 0.146565 25.552525 148.865965 66.003847
03b_examination_util 0.850448 0.853567 0.667856 0.850448 0.893629 0.868998
04a_treatment_wait(non_trauma) 136.660635 138.575405 151.808204 2.280962 33.568594 111.337103
04b_treatment_util(non_trauma) 0.867238 0.869324 0.867691 0.629346 0.836384 0.871039
05_total_time(non-trauma) 234.335783 232.133275 223.063821 192.191909 280.729440 244.797808
06a_trauma_wait 151.680557 175.135269 151.680557 151.680557 175.135269 175.135269
06b_trauma_util 0.826941 0.840977 0.826941 0.826941 0.840977 0.840977
07a_treatment_wait(trauma) 14.305044 14.997287 14.305044 14.305044 14.997287 14.997287
07b_treatment_util(trauma) 0.501010 0.506908 0.501010 0.501010 0.506908 0.506908
08_total_time(trauma) 292.280487 282.783517 292.280487 292.280487 282.783517 282.783517
09_throughput 162.160000 162.920000 165.880000 195.300000 138.540000 156.600000