Problem description#

FirstTreatment: A health clinic based in the US.#

This example is based on exercise 13 from Nelson (2013) page 170.

Nelson. B.L. (2013). Foundations and methods of stochastic simulation. Springer.

Patients arrive to the health clinic between 6am and 12am following a non-stationary poisson process. After 12am arriving patients are diverted elsewhere and remaining WIP is completed. On arrival, all patients quickly sign-in and are triaged.

The health clinic expects two types of patient arrivals:

Trauma arrivals:

  • patients with severe illness and trauma that must first be stablised in a trauma room.

  • these patients then undergo treatment in a cubicle before being discharged.

Non-trauma arrivals

  • patients with minor illness and no trauma go through registration and examination activities

  • a proportion of non-trauma patients require treatment in a cubicle before being dicharged.

In this model treatment of trauma and non-trauma patients is modelled seperately.