Day 5


Amy Heather


July 25, 2024


Reflections, summary report and research compendium.

Untimed: Reflections

Completed reflections page.

Untimed: Summary report

Completed summary report.

Untimed: Consensus/second opinion

Tom agreed that all items had been successfully reproduced.

Regarding the uncertainties from the evaluation:

  • Badges - “Artefacts are well structured/organised (e.g. to the extent that reuse and repurposing is facilitated, adhering to norms and standards of research community)” - I have tentatively marked this as unmet. I feel that the script provided was well-structured (with functions and lots of comments throughout the script, including comments playing the role of docstrings at the start of the functions). However, I have set it as unmet as I still had to make several changes in order to easily use it and change parameters for scenarios (as parameters were often hard-coded in the for loop, or in the functions themselves)
    • Yes I agree this is unmet. Ideally there is an simple way to experiment with the model. In an ideal world the authors provide a reproducible Analytical Pipeline (RAP) for simulation where each experiment can reproduced without lots of manual setup.
  • STRESS-DES - “2.5.3 Components - resources” and “2.5.4 Components - queues” - as described on the page, I have marked this as non-applicable, but wanted to double-check if that sounded right to you
    • I agree. There aren’t any to document.
  • Checklist derived from ISPOR-SDM - “6 Is the target population described?” - I was very uncertain on whether this would be not applicable, fully met, or unmet! Uncertainty as this is not a typical scenario where you’re e.g. focusing on a disease/treatment, and have a population of patients. So I wasn’t really sure what population description would be required to meet this. It does describe the results from a survey on attributes of lab people to PPE.
    • Yes ISPOR is typically targeted at patients. But my view was that the population modelled was the lab staff. If you think they are adequately described in the paper I would mark this as met. Happy to discuss.

Untimed: Research compendium

  • Add seed to so can reproduce own results
    • start_seed in run_scenarios() (default 0) and run_model(), used as first line in the replciation for loop, np.random.seed(start_seed + n)
    • Ran model with limited number of parameters twice to confirm I got the same results each time, but they came out with some differences
    • I tried also adding random.seed(start_seed + n) (as the code samples using random and numpy), and then produced matching results
res1 = model.run_scenarios(strength=[4], staff_change=[7], shift_day=[1])
res2 = model.run_scenarios(strength=[4], staff_change=[7], shift_day=[1])
  • Re-ran all scenarios from scratch (with seed control now in place), and saved run times
  • Add tests
    • Add pytest to environment (originally also pytest-xdist and pip to environment, but then decided against this as there was already parallel processing add to the code itself)
    • Wrote test for two scenarios (using similar structure as did from first reproduction) - but not for all scenarios, purely due to long run time.
    • Requires in tests/ and in model scripts/
  • Add Dockerfile
  • Update reproduction README