
University of Exeter


This book captures the reproduction of:

Lim CY, Bohn MK, Lippi G, Ferrari M, Loh TP, Yuen K, Adeli K, Horvath AR Staff Rostering, Split Team Arrangement, Social Distancing (Physical Distancing) and Use of Personal Protective Equipment to Minimize Risk of Workplace Transmission During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Simulation Study. Clinical Biochemistry 86:15-22 (2020).

Use the navigation bar above to view:

  • Original study - the original study article and associated artefacts.
  • Reproduction - code and documentation from reproduction of the model.
  • Evaluation - describes model reproduction success and compares original study against guidelines for sharing research, criteria for journal reproducibility guidelines, and article reporting guidelines.
  • Logbook - chronological entries detailing reproduction work.
  • Summary - summary of the computational reproducibility assessment.

Project team

Conducting this reproduction:

Providing support during the reproduction:

Other members of the team on STARS:


The protocol for this work is summarised in the diagram below and archived on Zenodo:

Heather, A., Monks, T., Harper, A., Mustafee, N., & Mayne, A. (2024). Protocol for assessing the computational reproducibility of discrete-event simulation models on STARS. Zenodo.

Workflow for computational reproducibility assessment



Heather A., Monks T., Harper A. (2024). STARS: Computational reproducibility of Lim et al. 2020 (version 0.1.0). URL:

See CITATION.cff and citation_bibtex.bib for alternative formats.


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