Set-up, read article and define scope. Total time used: 1h 22m (3.4%)
14.05-14.34: Create repository
Set up repository using template
Modified files to refer to Lim et al. 2020
Built Python environment to create the book.
Previously sent a detailed email to the authors on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July to inform about the study and ask if they would be happy to add an open license. Looking over that email, I don’t think it is necessary to email again, but will double-check with someone else on STARS.
14.36-14.38: Upload code to the repository
The study code is available at and shared with an open MIT license, which was kindly added following our email. As it is MIT, we do not need to update our license.
14.39-15.00: Upload journal article to the repository
Since the COVID-19 resource centre remains active, I understand that this means we are free to upload this article and its supplementary materials to this repository, and to use images from this article with attribution.
I uploaded the article, figures and supplementary materials, and then completed study_publication.qmd, converting the docx files to pdf for easy display via e.g. libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf original_study/supp1.docx.
15.16-15.34: Read journal article
15.35-15.47: Plan scope of reproduction
Following the read through, I filled out scope.qmd with my thoughts on scope of the reproduction.
import syssys.path.append('../')from timings import calculate_times# Minutes used prior to todayused_to_date =0# Times from todaytimes = [ ('14.05', '14.34'), ('14.36', '14.38'), ('14.39', '15.00'), ('15.16', '15.34'), ('15.35', '15.47')]calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 82m, or 1h 22m
Total used to date: 82m, or 1h 22m
Time remaining: 2318m, or 38h 38m
Used 3.4% of 40 hours max