
Johnson et al. (2021)

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Supplementary materials

The article has one supplementary material, which is a word document with seven sections:

  1. “Development and validation of the symptom module
  2. Development and validation of the primary care visits module
  3. Development and validation of the diagnosis module
  4. Development of the case module
  5. Development and validation of the treatment module
  6. Results of the preferred case detection scenario
  7. Results of the sensivity analysis for discount rate”

This can likewise be viewed at


Johnson, Kate M., Mohsen Sadatsafavi, Amin Adibi, Larry Lynd, Mark Harrison, Hamid Tavakoli, Don D. Sin, and Stirling Bryan. 2021. “Cost Effectiveness of Case Detection Strategies for the Early Detection of COPD.” Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 19 (2): 203–15.