Evaluation against reporting guidelines. Total evaluation time: 1h 52m. Also, summary report and research compendium.
09.32-09.58, 10.23-10.55: STRESS-DES
11.20-11.54: ISPOR-SDM
Noticed in Johnson et al. (2021) that they state “EPIC is not probabilistic, meaning we could not explore parameter uncertainty”… and in Sadatsafavi et al. (2019) “Given that many parameters of EPIC are derived based on calibration techniques, this is not simply a matter of replacing fixed input parameters with their probabilistic equivalent”.
Hence, then returned to STRESS-DES 4.3 Estimation approach and 5.2 Random sampling - I had marked as not met as couldn’t spot these addressed anywhere - but based on this, not assuming these would be not applicable.
Timings for evaluation
import syssys.path.append('../')from timings import calculate_times# Minutes used prior to todayused_to_date =20# Times from todaytimes = [ ('09.32', '09.58'), ('10.23', '10.55'), ('11.20', '11.54')]calculate_times(used_to_date, times, limit=False)
Time spent today: 92m, or 1h 32m
Total used to date: 112m, or 1h 52m
Untimed: Summary report
Untimed: Research compendium
Status at end of today:
Seperate folders for data, methods and outputs ✅
Tests to check if can get same results by comparing CSV files ✅
I copied the code for S1NoCD to make a testthat test, but found that the output was 0 0 0 0 - like it used to be when I had issues locally importing epicR. This is despite it running fine if I run it directly from the file (not via test command), and despite it appearing to load the module without issue.
Struggling to fix this, I decided the simplest solution was to just run it as a normal .R script without testthat.
Run times in each .R file and clear which parts of article it is producing ✅
Dockerfile (build, check it works). ✅
Built local file.
Ran Process_Sensitivity_Analysis.Rmd fine
For test_s1nocd.R, when loading epicR, it said “The package”tcltk” is required.” This was in the renv, but if I tried to load it with library(), I got an error:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tcltk’:
.onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk', details:
call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
error: unable to load shared object '/usr/local/lib/R/library/tcltk/libs/tcltk.so':
libtcl8.6.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I tried selecting yes to install it when prompted after loading EPIC, and then running the rest of the script, which ran fine and the resulting dataframes matched up.
From googling the error message, it appears I just need to apt-get tk. I add this to the Dockerfile then re-ran and re-tested. This worked!
GitHub action to push docker image to GHCR ✅
Johnson, Kate M., Mohsen Sadatsafavi, Amin Adibi, Larry Lynd, Mark Harrison, Hamid Tavakoli, Don D. Sin, and Stirling Bryan. 2021. “Cost Effectiveness of CaseDetectionStrategies for the EarlyDetection of COPD.”Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 19 (2): 203–15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40258-020-00616-2.
Sadatsafavi, Mohsen, Shahzad Ghanbarian, Amin Adibi, Kate Johnson, J. Mark FitzGerald, William Flanagan, Stirling Bryan, and Don Sin. 2019. “Development and Validation of the EvaluationPlatform in COPD (EPIC): APopulation-BasedOutcomesModel of COPD for Canada.”Medical Decision Making 39 (2): 152–67. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272989X18824098.