Day 14


Amy Heather


October 15, 2024


Review base case results with 100 million and run sensitivity analysis with 50 million. Total time used: 18h 56m (47.3%)

09.40-09.53: Reviewing results from 100 million agents

Run times:

  • - 20.65 hours - 20 hours 39 minutes
  • - 20.67 hours - 20 hours 40 minutes

As these were run at the same time in seperate terminals, total was 20 hours 40 minutes.

Model results: Ran Process_Model_Results.Rmd. As expected, result still seems quite different for Appendix 6, due to the mismatch in SABA. For Table 3 and Figure 3, the results generally seem closer to the paper, and I would argue that I think these have been reproduced. I think this is a tricky case, as the ICER and INMB are evidently incredibly sensitive, and so with very similar looking QALYs and costs, they vary hugely. However, I am satisifed that we have now got close enough results to consider these reproduced.

09.54-10.06: Running sensitivity analysis with 100 million agents

Having found I needed to run this to 100 million agents, and given the timings were not exponentially larger (14 hours vs 20 hours), I set the sensitivity analyses to run with 100 million agents. I initially tried running all at once, and it seemed to manage fine with this, so I anticipate I could have ran everything in parallel (i.e. inc base case - which I had run seperately just like a “test run”) (using 11667, 10117 available, and that’s including any background processes).

Note: as on next logbook, turns out this was accidentally 50 million


import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 1111

# Times from today
times = [
    ('09.40', '09.53'),
    ('09.54', '10.06')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 25m, or 0h 25m
Total used to date: 1136m, or 18h 56m
Time remaining: 1264m, or 21h 4m
Used 47.3% of 40 hours max