Day 13


Amy Heather


October 14, 2024


Reviewed results from 50 million (as in their repository) and decided to run 100 million (as in paper). Total time used: 18h 31m (46.3%)

09.16-09.19, 09.36-10.22: Review results from 50 million agents and set to run with 100 million

I looked over them, comparing them to the article.

I had to remind myself of what appendix 6 v1 vs v2 were, recalling that I’d remained uncertain on whether the implementation of this figure was correct. Version 2 was the “more correct”, so I removed version 1. What had remained uncertain for version 2 was how to adjust the results. I had multiplied by 2000, and found that resulted in all bars matching except SABA, and this still remained the case.

For table 3, I add back in the code for comparing against the original.

The results from 50 million are closer to the original.

Run times:

  • - 14.13 hours - 14 hours 8 minutes
  • - 15.38 hours - 15 hours 23 minutes

Although note, these were run in parallel to each other, so total time required (with our machine) was 15 hours 23 minutes.

Table 3:

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

Scenario Testing interval Costs per patient QALYs per patient ICER INMB (ranking)
0 S0: No case detection NaN $2149 12.545 NaN NaN
1 (S1a) CDQ ≥ 17 points 3 years $2440 12.562 17669.0 533(1)
2 (S1a) CDQ ≥ 17 points 5 years $2355 12.556 19073.0 335(2)
3 (S1b) Screening spirometry 3 years $2362 12.553 26497.0 189(5)
4 (S1b) Screening spirometry 5 years $2298 12.552 22920.0 177(8)
5 (S1c) CDQ + screening spirometry 3 years $2387 12.550 46445.0 18(16)
6 (S1c) CDQ + screening spirometry 5 years $2314 12.551 27818.0 132(9)
7 (S2a) Screening spirometry 3 years $2286 12.553 18082.0 242(4)
8 (S2a) Screening spirometry 5 years $2241 12.549 27650.0 74(11)
9 (S3a) CDQ ≥ 19.5 points 3 years $2234 12.548 28714.0 63(14)
10 (S3a) CDQ ≥ 19.5 points 5 years $2203 12.548 22107.0 68(12)
11 (S3b) CDQ ≥ 16.5 points 3 years $2289 12.552 21354.0 188(6)
12 (S3b) CDQ ≥ 16.5 points 5 years $2245 12.552 13503.0 260(3)
13 (S3c) Screening spirometry 3 years $2253 12.549 28161.0 81(10)
14 (S3c) Screening spirometry 5 years $2220 12.550 14224.0 178(7)
15 (S3d) CDQ + screening spirometry 3 years $2262 12.549 33377.0 56(15)
16 (S3d) CDQ + screening spirometry 5 years $2223 12.548 26612.0 65(13)
Scenario Interval CostpAgent_paper CostpAgentAll CostpAgentAll_repo CostMyDiff CostMyPerc CostRepoDiff CostRepoPerc QALYpAgent_paper QALYpAgentAll QALYpAgentAll_repo QALYMyDiff QALYMyPerc QALYRepoDiff QALYRepoPerc ICER_paper ICERAdj ICERAdj_repo ICERMyDiff ICERMyPerc ICERRepoDiff ICERRepoPerc IncrementalNMB_paper INMB INMB_repo INMBMyDiff INMBMyPerc INMBRepoDiff INMBRepoPerc
0 S0 NaN 2151 2149 2151 2 0.1% 0 0.0% 12.546 12.545 12.545 0.001 0% 0.001 0% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 S1a 3 years 2438 2440 2439 -2 -0.1% -1 0.0% 12.560 12.562 12.560 -0.002 0% 0.000 0% 19632.0 17669.0 19665.0 1963.0 11.1% -33.0 -0.2% 444.0 533.0 446 -89.0 -16.7% -2.0 -0.40%
2 S1a 5 years 2356 2355 2355 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 12.556 12.556 12.557 0.000 0% -0.001 0% 19847.0 19073.0 16600.0 774.0 4.1% 3247.0 19.6% 312.0 335.0 411 -23.0 -6.9% -99.0 -24.10%
3 S1b 3 years 2363 2362 2365 1 0.0% -2 -0.1% 12.554 12.553 12.552 0.001 0% 0.002 0% 25894.0 26497.0 31076.0 -603.0 -2.3% -5182.0 -16.7% 198.0 189.0 131 9.0 4.8% 67.0 51.10%
4 S1b 5 years 2296 2298 2298 -2 -0.1% -2 -0.1% 12.552 12.552 12.551 0.000 0% 0.001 0% 23187.0 22920.0 25501.0 267.0 1.2% -2314.0 -9.1% 168.0 177.0 142 -9.0 -5.1% 26.0 18.30%
5 S1c 3 years 2386 2387 2386 -1 0.0% 0 0.0% 12.551 12.550 12.551 0.001 0% 0.000 0% 46956.0 46445.0 42697.0 511.0 1.1% 4259.0 10.0% 15.0 18.0 40 -3.0 -16.7% -25.0 -62.50%
6 S1c 5 years 2313 2314 2311 -1 0.0% 2 0.1% 12.550 12.551 12.551 -0.001 0% -0.001 0% 38673.0 27818.0 29600.0 10855.0 39.0% 9073.0 30.7% 47.0 132.0 110 -85.0 -64.4% -63.0 -57.30%
7 S2a 3 years 2286 2286 2287 0 0.0% -1 0.0% 12.553 12.553 12.552 0.000 0% 0.001 0% 18908.0 18082.0 21184.0 826.0 4.6% -2276.0 -10.7% 223.0 242.0 186 -19.0 -7.9% 37.0 19.90%
8 S2a 5 years 2246 2241 2245 5 0.2% 1 0.0% 12.551 12.549 12.550 0.002 0% 0.001 0% 17514.0 27650.0 20394.0 -10136.0 -36.7% -2880.0 -14.1% 176.0 74.0 137 102.0 137.8% 39.0 28.50%
9 S3a 3 years 2234 2234 2232 0 0.0% 2 0.1% 12.548 12.548 12.548 0.000 0% 0.000 0% 30366.0 28714.0 32247.0 1652.0 5.8% -1881.0 -5.8% 54.0 63.0 45 -9.0 -14.3% 9.0 20.00%
10 S3a 5 years 2207 2203 2207 4 0.2% 0 0.0% 12.548 12.548 12.548 0.000 0% 0.000 0% 22636.0 22107.0 22694.0 529.0 2.4% -58.0 -0.3% 68.0 68.0 67 0.0 0.0% 1.0 1.50%
11 S3b 3 years 2292 2289 2289 3 0.1% 3 0.1% 12.553 12.552 12.553 0.001 0% 0.000 0% 18438.0 21354.0 18157.0 -2916.0 -13.7% 281.0 1.5% 241.0 188.0 243 53.0 28.2% -2.0 -0.80%
12 S3b 5 years 2250 2245 2248 5 0.2% 2 0.1% 12.552 12.552 12.551 0.000 0% 0.001 0% 16251.0 13503.0 17325.0 2748.0 20.4% -1074.0 -6.2% 206.0 260.0 183 -54.0 -20.8% 23.0 12.60%
13 S3c 3 years 2256 2253 2255 3 0.1% 1 0.0% 12.550 12.549 12.550 0.001 0% 0.000 0% 23972.0 28161.0 20700.0 -4189.0 -14.9% 3272.0 15.8% 114.0 81.0 148 33.0 40.7% -34.0 -23.00%
14 S3c 5 years 2224 2220 2221 4 0.2% 3 0.1% 12.549 12.550 12.549 -0.001 0% 0.000 0% 20278.0 14224.0 19250.0 6054.0 42.6% 1028.0 5.3% 107.0 178.0 113 -71.0 -39.9% -6.0 -5.30%
15 S3d 3 years 2263 2262 2261 1 0.0% 2 0.1% 12.549 12.549 12.550 0.000 0% -0.001 0% 28245.0 33377.0 23462.0 -5132.0 -15.4% 4783.0 20.4% 86.0 56.0 124 30.0 53.6% -38.0 -30.60%
16 S3d 5 years 2227 2223 2226 4 0.2% 1 0.0% 12.548 12.548 12.548 0.000 0% 0.000 0% 27591.0 26612.0 26517.0 979.0 3.7% 1074.0 4.1% 62.0 65.0 67 -3.0 -4.6% -5.0 -7.50%

Looking at each of the columns…

  • Costs per patient - max difference from paper is 5 (0.2%) (e.g. $2250 vs $2245 for S3b 5 years). With lower number of agents, max difference was 23 (1%)
  • QALYs per patient - max difference from paper is 0.002 (0%) (e.g. 12.562 vs 12.560). With lower agent numbers, max difference was 0.01 (0.1%)
  • ICER - max difference is 10,136 (36.7%) (mine 27,650 v.s. paper 17,514) for S2A 5 years. Biggest percentage difference was 42.6% (14,224 vs 20,278). With lower agent numbers, my biggest absolute difference was 93,297, and biggest percentage difference was 458%.
  • INMB - max difference was 102 (137.8%) (mine 74 vs paper 176 for S2A 5 years).

Due to the large difference in ICERs and INMB, I would unfortunately say this is not reproduced.

Figure 3:

This looks fairly similar, at a glance (unlike with higher agent numbers which was wildly different). I think I would argue this to be reproduced, as the points are pretty close to where they were in the original, although given the tiny scale is this working to, this would definitely require some consensus and second opinion.

Appendix 6:

This hasn’t changed much from running with 50 million agents v.s. lower numbers. The same issue remains - that everything is spot on except SABA - and so, unfortunately, still not reproduced. My result is very similar to the result from their repository when they ran with 50 million.

Having looked over these, I think it would be worth running this again with 100 million (as in the paper), just to be sure, in case that does happen to resolve the remaining differences in Table 3 (big difference) and Figure 3 (smaller difference) (although unfortunately I suspect the difference might remain for Appendix 6 as that didn’t change with agent numbers).


import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 1062

# Times from today
times = [
    ('09.16', '09.19'),
    ('09.36', '10.22')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 49m, or 0h 49m
Total used to date: 1111m, or 18h 31m
Time remaining: 1289m, or 21h 29m
Used 46.3% of 40 hours max