One sentence summary of the days work. Total time used: Xh Xm (X%)
10.00-10.20: Task A
Description of work and various accompanying details.
You can use callouts to highlight particular thoughts or learnings.
10.20-10.33: Task B
More notes.
Can use these to help keep repository organised if you are adding lots of notes for a particular task (e.g. notes from read through of paper).
import sys
from timings import calculate_times
# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 0
# Times from today
times = [
('10.00', '10.20'),
('10.20', '10.33')]
calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 33m, or 0h 33m
Total used to date: 33m, or 0h 33m
Time remaining: 2367m, or 39h 27m
Used 1.4% of 40 hours max