Day 1


Amy Heather


September 27, 2024


Set-up repository, read article and suggested scope. Total time used: 0h 58m (2.4%)

Previously: Contacted the authors

Previously contacted Richard Wood to inform about study, and he kindly add an open license to the repository.

10.27-10.45: Set-up repository

  • Created repository from template
  • Set up environment
  • Modified template files:
    • quarto site index.qmd
    • CITATION.cff
    • _quarto.yml
  • Set up site on GitHub pages (quarto publish gh-pages)

11.28-11.46: Upload model code and article

The model code is available at This is shared under a GNU GPL-3.0 license.


From a quick look at their code repository, can see they use a GNU General Public License version 3. The requirements of this license are to:

  • Include a copy of the full license
  • State all significant changes made to the software
  • Make the original source code available when distributing binaries based on that work
  • Include a copy of the original copyright notice

It allows the code to be changed and distributed to others (as long as release under GPL v3 also). Hence, updated license (and references to it) to GNU GPL 3.0 accordingly.

License for article

The article is published “Free Access” at It states that the rights and permissions are to the authors (“Rights and permissions © The Author(s) 2021.”) and provides a link to Article Reuse Guidelines. As I’ve understood it, this article is “Free Access” but not “Open Access” and hence, the rules on this webpage apply, and this would appear to restrict us from being unable to upload the article and images as from this journal.

I searched for alternative green open-access versions and found it is also made available by the Bath Research Portal at which states “General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.” Hence, it falls under the same rules.

11.55-12.11, 13.19-13.25: Read article and supplementary materials, and proposed scope


import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 0

# Times from today
times = [
    ('10.27', '10.45'),
    ('11.28', '11.46'),
    ('11.55', '12.11'),
    ('13.19', '13.25')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 58m, or 0h 58m
Total used to date: 58m, or 0h 58m
Time remaining: 2342m, or 39h 2m
Used 2.4% of 40 hours max