
This page outlines the parts of the journal article (Wood et al. (2021)) which we will attempt to reproduce.

We do not have permission to upload and reuse images from the article, so please refer to the journal publication to view the figures and tables mentioned below.

Within scope

“Figure 4 Estimated numbers of deaths and life-years lost by triage strategy. Results are relative to baseline (no triage strategy).” Wood et al. (2021)

“Table 4 Estimated Number of Deaths and Life-Years Lost (Mean and 95% Confidence Intervals) over the Course of the Pandemic according to the Range of Demand Trajectories and Triage Strategies under Consideration.” Wood et al. (2021)

“Figure 5 Estimated number and type of death relative to baseline. Results provided for triage strategies with an age threshold of 60 y. Note that type 1 deaths are those resulting from declined admission, type 2 deaths are those resulting from interrupted admission, and type 3 deaths are those occurring during admission (see Figure 2).” Wood et al. (2021)

“Figure 6 Estimated intensive care bed occupancy and cumulative admissions and deaths over the course of the simulated pandemic. Results provided under the lockdown demand trajectory for triage strategies with an age threshold of 60 y.” Wood et al. (2021)

“Figure 7 Estimated numbers of deaths and life-years lost for various levels of intensive care capacity. Results provided under the interrupt triage strategy with an age threshold of 60 y.” Wood et al. (2021)

Outside scope

“Figure 1 The 3 triage strategies considered in this study, in addition to the ‘‘first-come first-served’’ baseline strategy involving no prioritization based on patient age.” Wood et al. (2021)

“Figure 2 Types of death that may result under the various triage strategies considered in this study.” Wood et al. (2021)

“Figure 3 Demand trajectories for numbers requiring intensive care admission and corresponding total numbers requiring intensive care admission over simulated pandemic.” Wood et al. (2021)

“Table 1 Estimates of Model Parameters at Patient Group Level” Wood et al. (2021)

“Table 2 Intensive Care Length-of-Stay Parameters at Admission Outcome Level, under the Shape-Rate Parameterization of the Gamma Distribution”

“Table 3 Summarized Provenance of Data and Information Used for Calibrating Model Parameters”


Wood, Richard M., Adrian C. Pratt, Charlie Kenward, Christopher J. McWilliams, Ross D. Booton, Matthew J. Thomas, Christopher P. Bourdeaux, and Christos Vasilakis. 2021. “The Value of Triage During Periods of Intense COVID-19 Demand: Simulation Modeling Study.” Medical Decision Making 41 (4): 393–407.