Day 2


Amy Heather


September 24, 2024


Set-up and troubleshooting environment. Total time used: 2h 18m (5.8%)

09.20-09.26: Archive on Zenodo

Consensus on the proposed scope was acquired on 23 September, with Tom agreeing with the proposal. Hence, now archived the repository on Zenodo.

09.55-10.07: Look over code and create environment

There is a very minimal readme, but looking over the scripts, I’m assuming will be a good starting point, just from the name.

The plots look to be from r-plots/plotting_staff_results.r.

Doesn’t appear to be any environment management/versions in the repository but this is detailed in the paper in Figure 3…

  • Python 2.7 with inspyred 1.0 and simpy 2.3.1
  • R 2.15.3 with ggplot 0.9.3

I created a simple python environment just with the three dependencies:

name: hernandez2015
  - defaults
  - conda-forge
  - inspyred=1.0
  - python=2.7
  - simpy=2.3.1

This was built using mamba:

mamba env create --name hernandez2015 --file environment.yml

This had an error:

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - simpy=2.3.1*

Conda-forge just has SimPy 3.0.13 to 4.1.1. However, PyPi have releases back to 2.0.1, so I switched this to pip install:

name: hernandez2015
  - defaults
  - conda-forge
  - inspyred=1.0
  - pip
  - python=2.7
  - pip:
    - simpy==2.3.1

This built quickly and successfully.

10.24-11.37: Troubleshooting environment

Use of Python 2.7 in VSCode

I selected this environment as the interpreter in VSCode then attempted to run, but it had an error stating it was an invalid environment:

An Invalid Python interpreter is selected, please try changing it to enable features such as IntelliSense, linting, and debugging. See output for more details regarding why the interpreter is invalid.

I tried clearing the workspace interpreter setting, but when trying to select environment again in VSCode, it won’t show the python 2.7 environment in the drop-down list. Based on this forum, it appears that the VSCode python extension dropped support for python 2.7. One comments suggests switching the Python language server to Jedi. To do this:

  • Ctrl + Shift + P
  • User Settings
  • Select Workspace Tab
  • Search Python Language Server
  • Change from “Default” to “Jedi”

However, it still complained this was an invalid python interpreter, so I reverted this back. Other suggestions were to switch the VSCode Python extension to either:

  • Pre-release version
  • Pinned to 2022.2

I tried switching to the pre-release version in the Extensions tab, and this worked in allowing me to use Python 2.7 environment. The downside of this is that I will/may want to switch it back for other projects.


On attempting to run, it had an error when importing ExperimentRunner:

File "/home/amy/Documents/stars/stars-reproduce-hernandez-2015/reproduction/", line 14, in <module>
  import myutils
ImportError: No module named myutils

From the script, I can see that myutils/ is a sister folder, and not included in this repository. I can see that it is imported by:


There is only one line of code that specifies that a function is from myutils, which is in

#capacities = myutils.boundingFunction(capacities, self.boundingParameters)

However, as that is commented out, it actually might be possible that myutils/ is not actually needed. I tried commenting out all attempts to import myutils in all scripts, then re-ran.

numpy and python

There was then an error:

ImportError: No module named numpy

We want to attempt to backdate it. Looking at the other known dates…

  • inspyred=1.0 - released 4 April 2012 (with 1.0.1 on 25 July 2015)
  • python=2.7 - released 4 July 2010 to 20 April 2020 (depending on date)
  • simpy==2.3.1 - released 11 October 2013 (with 3.0 on 11 October 2013)

Hence, it appears I’ll also want to backdate python, as just setting to 2.7 defaulted to 2.7.18, but that wouldn’t have been possible based on the publication dates. Dates:

  • Article received 23 September 2014
  • Article revised 6 February 2015
  • Article accepted 22 February 2015
  • Last commit to GitHub (prior to license) 10 December 2013

Will choose versions that are on or prior to 10 December 2013. Hence, for the python version:

Numpy was set to install from pypi, as conda didn’t support a version that old.

Deleted and rebuilt:

mamba remove -n hernandez2015 --all
mamba env create --name hernandez2015 --file environment.yml

However, had error:

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - python=2.7.6*

Current channels:


To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to

Checking the two python channels it lists:

My options are either to:

  • Use Python 2.6.9 - not ideal, as know they were 2.7
  • Look for another conda channel that includes 2.7.6 - however, we are using the default conda channels, and others can be more personal uploads and so on
  • Use a more recent Python version - chose this option, and switched to 2.7.12, which was the oldest 2.7 version supported on these channels (2.7.12 is 26 June 2016)


Then missing scipy, which based on released history, I chose 0.13.2 (8 December 2013, 0.13.3 4 February 2014). As a version this old wasn’t on conda, I used pypi. Add to environment.yml then updated:

mamba env update --file environment.yml --prune

nsga2 and myutils

Then had error that it was missing nsga2. This doesn’t appear to be a public package. It is only imported in, which lists it under “Ivan’s imports”, indicating it is a personal package/script. It uses a single function: nsga2.nsga2_integer(). As there was no mention of it in this repository, I tried looking at Ivan’s other GitHub repositories.

There I found myutils which contains, However, this did not have a license, so I am not presently able to download this repository. I sent a message to Ivan to see if he would be happy to likewise add a license to that repository. I also undid the changes I’d made to comment myutils.

Ivan Hernandez later kindly responded to this, adding an open license to the repository.


import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 47

# Times from today
times = [
    ('09.20', '09.26'),
    ('09.55', '10.07'),
    ('10.24', '11.37')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 91m, or 1h 31m
Total used to date: 138m, or 2h 18m
Time remaining: 2262m, or 37h 42m
Used 5.8% of 40 hours max