Finished reproduction of the single figure. Total time used: 2h 10m (5.4%). Evaluated against criteria and guidelines. Evaluation time: 1h 12m. Then completed summary report, reflections, and research compendium stage.
09.14-09.38: Resuming recreation of figure
Continuing from yesterday. I included the running of the model within reproduction.ipynb, and finished up the Figure so it matches the paper.
Feel this is reproduced at 09.38.
Untimed: Reproduction success
Filled in reproduction success page
Timings for reproduction
import syssys.path.append('../')from timings import calculate_times# Minutes used prior to todayused_to_date =106# Times from todaytimes = [ ('09.14', '09.38')]calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 24m, or 0h 24m
Total used to date: 130m, or 2h 10m
Time remaining: 2270m, or 37h 50m
Used 5.4% of 40 hours max
09.47-10.00: STARS evaluation
Evaluate code against STARS framework.
10.03-10.09: Badges
Evaluate code against against journal badge criteria. Explaining some of the decisions:
Complete set of materials - no ❌, as didn’t include code to create the figure itself
Carefully documented - yes ✅, considering the support of alongside the to explain what the inputs were (hence support reuse and change of those inputs, since it explains that we run by calling .csv files with inputs)
README with step-by-step instructions - yes ✅, I was a little more uncertain on this one, since the README doesn’t explicitly say how to make the figure, but it does provide instructions that lead you to regenerate the exact model results from the paper, and so I feel that it does provide instructions to reproduce results sufficiently (although would be more complete to include instructions for figure too - so if it weren’t a yes/no decision for badges, I would’ve said this was partially met).
10.17-10.46: STRESS-DES
Evaluate paper against STRESS-DES reporting guidelines.
10.59-11.23: ISPOR-SDM
Evaluate paper against guidelines from Zhang, Lhachimi, and Rogowski (2020) derived from ISPOR-SDM. Explaining some of the decisions:
Run length - not provided. Can understand that this is because this is an example paper, but as it does not provide an example run length, or range of typical/expected/good run lengths, I feel this is not met (as that could have been provided).
Timings for evaluation
import syssys.path.append('../')from timings import calculate_times# Minutes used prior to todayused_to_date =0# Times from todaytimes = [ ('09.47', '10.00'), ('10.03', '10.09'), ('10.17', '10.46'), ('10.59', '11.23')]calculate_times(used_to_date, times, limit=False)
Time spent today: 72m, or 1h 12m
Total used to date: 72m, or 1h 12m
Untimed: Reflections
Wrote up reflections.qmd based on logbook entries.
Untimed: Summary report
Completed summary report using template.
Untimed: Research compendium
Seperate folders for data, methods and outputs: Moved scripts into a script folder. Had to modify as:
That automatically adds ./input to your input file paths, but we need ../input.
Path to output file is different now too
Add pytest to environment
Modify as it assumes you always want to save the results as a csv file in ../output/OUT_STATS.csv. Tried to amend this following the structure they had already set up for the input file paths. Note: It was quite tricky to do this - this was pretty hard coded into the script.
Run time: Add note that run time is only a couple of seconds to the notebook and README
Add conda-forge channel, plus jupyterlab and notebook packages, to environment
Built image, created container, opened JupyterLab, and ran both the notebook and test successfully.
GitHub container repository:
Activated GitHub action
Pulled container and tested running notebook and test successfully
README: Completed the README.
Zhang, Xiange, Stefan K. Lhachimi, and Wolf H. Rogowski. 2020. “Reporting Quality of DiscreteEventSimulations in Healthcare—ResultsFrom a GenericReportingChecklist.”Value in Health 23 (4): 506–14.