Day 2


Amy Heather


August 12, 2024


Archive scope, run code, start on figure. Total time used: 1h 46m (4.4%)

15.44-15.50: Archive scope

Having received consensus on scope, I can now archive it.

  • Updated CITATION.cff version number and date
  • Add entry to
  • Set to sync on Zenodo (already activated by Tom)
  • Create GitHub release
  • Add DOI to

15.58-16.11: Look over code and create environment

Their README provides instructions to run the code - installing simpy, and then running python3 -z ZONES.csv -p ICU_INPUT_PARAMS.csv -c DAILY_ARRIVALS.csv, noting that example input files are available in input/.

A dockerfile is also provided. This installs Python 3.9 and the dependencies from requirements.txt (which just lists simpy, no version). is a data dictionary, explaining info provided to the model and the input parameter columns and so on. runs utils.args() and model.runSim().

To identify versions, I looked at the dates of the article and repository…

  • Conference 11-14 Dec 2022
  • Added to IEEE Explore 23 Jan 2023
  • GitHub repository created and last updated on 17 Jan 2022

Looking at Python and Simpy…

  • - latest python 3.9 version possible would be 3.9.10 (14 Jan 2022)
  • - latest simpy possible would be 4.0.1 (15 Apr 2020)

I create a conda environment in reproduction/ (which has a benefit over the virtual environment of also including the python version). I then built this using mamba (mamba env create --name anagnostou2022 --file environment.yml).

16.13-16.24: Run code

Copied relevant files to reproduction/ then, following their instruction, ran:

python3 -z ZONES.csv -p ICU_INPUT_PARAMS.csv -c DAILY_ARRIVALS.csv

This ran quickly and without issue, producing identical results as provided in OUT_STATS.csv. This is a pretty simple, small, logical file.

I had a look through the code again to see if I could spot anything to create the plot, but didn’t find anything. I then had a look at the other directory they mention which creates the dashboard, This has:

  • Additional requirements - confirming simpy 4.0.1 was correct
  • Extra file - but looking through the code, this produces scatter plots with create_traces() which look like they might be Figure 5A (but not in scope)

As I cannot spot any other plotting functions, I’m assuming that I will need to write these from scratch.

16.29-17.00: Write plotting function

Created reproduction.ipynb, which required adding ipykernel and pandas and matplotlib to the environment.

The column names in the model output csv were easy to interpret, and so I could identify the appropriate columns needed for the plots.

Ran out of time to finish today.


import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 45

# Times from today
times = [
    ('15.44', '15.50'),
    ('15.58', '16.11'),
    ('16.13', '16.24'),
    ('16.29', '17.00')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 61m, or 1h 1m
Total used to date: 106m, or 1h 46m
Time remaining: 2294m, or 38h 14m
Used 4.4% of 40 hours max