Day 1


Amy Heather


August 1, 2024


Set-up repository, read article and defined scope. Total time used: 0h 45m (1.9%)

13.33-13.46: Set-up repository and email authors

  • Create repository from template
  • Set up environment
  • Modified template files:
    • quarto site index.qmd
    • CITATION.cff
    • _quarto.yml
  • Set up site on GitHub pages (quarto publish gh-pages)

Then emailed the authors to inform about the study (as per protocol).

14.07-14.16: Upload code and update license

We are focussed on just the CHARM model in this paper, which is a DES model. The code for this is available at They also have a dashboard at, which used to be deployed on heroku although heroku is no longer active (

Our focus will not be on the app, so I have copied the code from the CHARM repository. This was last updated on 17th January 2022.

The study uses the 3-clause BSD license (also known as the “New BSD License” or “Modified BSD License”). The requirements of this license are that we include:

  • The full text of the license
  • The original copyright notice

As such, I have update our license to the same, to be aligned with the original authors.

14.18-14.24: Upload journal article

The journal article is from a conference and is published on IEEE Xplore - It is copyright IEEE and I access it under an authorised license limited to University of Exeter. As such, I am unable to share the PDF or images from that site.

The article is also available via the Brunel University Research Archive - This is open access, but only allowed for personal use:

“Copyright © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”

The article is again available via UCL Discovery - This is open access, but with the copyright statement as above.

Finally, it is available via the ACM Digital Library - However, this still retains copyright (“©2022 IEEE”).

As such, as I understand it, since we would wish to reuse the PDF or images in another work, we are therefore unable to use them. We can only upload cited quotes, but otherwise direct readers towards the original article to view any images and to read it in full.

14.26-14.30: Complete quarto page on study

Completed study_publication.qmd, with links to original article in place of uploads.

14.53-15.06: Read article and consensus on scope.

Note that this is a paper presenting the approach, and does not go into detail studying specific use cases or presenting experimenting results. As such, we anticipate a small scope for this reproduction. We were aware of this prior to choosing this article. However, we still included it as they do provide some example input parameters and outputs.

I only identified one item for the scope of this paper: Figure 3.

I updated scope.qmd.

This was discussed with Tom, who agreed.


import sys
from timings import calculate_times

# Minutes used prior to today
used_to_date = 0

# Times from today
times = [
    ('13.33', '13.46'),
    ('14.07', '14.16'),
    ('14.18', '14.24'),
    ('14.26', '14.30'),
    ('14.53', '15.06')]

calculate_times(used_to_date, times)
Time spent today: 45m, or 0h 45m
Total used to date: 45m, or 0h 45m
Time remaining: 2355m, or 39h 15m
Used 1.9% of 40 hours max