💫 Towards Sharing Tools, Artifacts, and Reproducible Simulation: a simmer model example


Thomas Monks

Alison Harper

Amy Heather

Navonil Mustafee


The materials and methods in this documentation support work towards developing the S.T.A.R.S healthcare framework (Sharing Tools and Artifacts for Reproducible Simulations in healthcare). Long term S.T.A.R.S aims to support researchers share open simulation models regardless of language choice, improve the quality of sharing, and reduce the workload required to meet high standards of open science for the modelling and simulation community.

The code and written materials are a work in progress towards STARS version 2.0. It demonstrates the application od sharing a discrete-event simuilation model and associated research artifacts:

  • All artifacts in this repository are linked to study researchers via ORCIDs;
  • Model code is made available under the MIT license;
  • [To do: validate and test R dependencies managed through renv]
  • The R code and simmer model are documented and explained in a quarto website served up by GitHub pages;
  • [To do: the materials are deposited and made citatable using Zenodo;]
  • [To do: The models are sharable with other researchers and the NHS without the need to install software.]



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Monks, Thomas and Harper, Alison and Heather, Amy and
    Mustafee, Navonil},
  title = {💫 {Towards} {Sharing} {Tools,} {Artifacts,} and
    {Reproducible} {Simulation:} A `Simmer` Model Example},
  url = {https://pythonhealthdatascience.github.io/stars-treat-simmer//},
  doi = {10.5555/12345678_fake},
  langid = {en},
  abstract = {The materials and methods in this documentation support
    work towards developing the **S.T.A.R.S healthcare framework**
    (**S**haring **T**ools and **A**rtifacts for **R**eproducible
    **S**imulations in healthcare). Long term S.T.A.R.S aims to support
    researchers share open simulation models regardless of language
    choice, improve the quality of sharing, and reduce the workload
    required to meet high standards of open science for the modelling
    and simulation community. The code and written materials are a
    **work in progress** towards STARS version 2.0. It demonstrates the
    application od sharing a discrete-event simuilation model and
    associated research artifacts: * All artifacts in this repository
    are linked to study researchers via ORCIDs; * Model code is made
    available under the MIT license; * {[}**To do**: validate and test R
    dependencies managed through `renv`{]} * The R code and simmer model
    are documented and explained in a quarto website served up by GitHub
    pages; * {[}**To do**: the materials are deposited and made
    citatable using Zenodo;{]} * {[}**To do**: The models are sharable
    with other researchers and the NHS without the need to install
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Monks, Thomas, Alison Harper, Amy Heather, and Navonil Mustafee. n.d. “💫 Towards Sharing Tools, Artifacts, and Reproducible Simulation: A `Simmer` Model Example.” Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5555/12345678_fake.