This book captures the reproduction of:
Johnson, K.M., Sadatsafavi, M., Adibi, A., Lynd, L., Harrison, M., Tavakoli, H., Sin, D., Bryan, S. Cost Effectiveness of Case Detection Strategies for the Early Detection of COPD. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 19, p203-215 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40258-020-00616-2.
Use the navigation bar above to view:
- Original study - the original study article and associated artefacts.
- Reproduction - code and documentation from reproduction of the model.
- Evaluation - describes model reproduction success and compares original study against guidelines for sharing research, criteria for journal reproducibility guidelines, and article reporting guidelines.
- Logbook - chronological entries detailing reproduction work.
- Summary - summary of the computational reproducibility assessment.
Project team
Conducting this reproduction:
Providing support during the reproduction:
Other members of the team on STARS:
The protocol for this work is summarised in the diagram below and archived on Zenodo:
Heather, A., Monks, T., Harper, A., Mustafee, N., & Mayne, A. (2024). Protocol for assessing the computational reproducibility of discrete-event simulation models on STARS. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12179846.
Heather A., Monks T., Harper A. (2024). STARS: Computational reproducibility of Johnson et al. 2021 (version 0.2.0). URL: https://github.com/pythonhealthdatascience/stars-reproduce-johnson-2021
and citation_bibtex.bib
for alternative formats.
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